Animal Control

The animal control department is responsible for the daily care of all animals and the cleaning of the shelter. Duties include collecting strays and animals at large found within the city limits, delivering and picking up of animal cages (traps), picking up and disposing of dead animals in City right of ways. We also work with the San Diego Police Department on dog bites, nuisances, and cruelty cases. This includes sending possible rabies cases to the Texas Department of Health, writing citations for violation of City Ordinances pertaining to animals in City limits, the sale of City registration tags and the collection of impound fees. The city has an agreement with the Premont Veterinarian Clinic for the euthanizing of animals.



Would you like to adopt a pet from the city animal control shelter? All adoptions are handled through San Diego Animal Control Officer. Contact Matthew Lee at (361)-562-1234 to make an appointment, view animals that are available for adoption, or for information on adoptable animals. If interested in adopting an animal, the $15.00 adoption fee must be paid and you must sign a agreement to have the vaccinations and to have your dog spayed or nuetered within 60 days.

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